NATE Announces AWS as a 2014-2015 STAR Initiative Participant

NATE Announces AWS as a 2014-2015 STAR Initiative Participant

On October 9, 2014 The National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) made an announcement during the NATE Tower Business Symposium at the AGL Regional Conference in Dallas, Texas. NATE proudly announced the member companies who have been approved to participate in the NATE STAR Initiative program for the 2014-2015 year.

Among 133 other companies, Advanced Wireless Solutions, Inc. was officially accepted and recognized for their safety and hard work by once again earning membership with this prestigious organization. AWS is thrilled to assist in setting a record high for the program this year, with 134 participating companies.

The National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) is a non-profit trade association providing a unified voice for tower erection, maintenance and service companies. Compliance with government regulations and application of industry standards are among the demands facing tower erectors on a daily basis. NATE assures that members adhere to all governmental and legal regulations including but not limited to those provided by ASSE, ANSI/ASSI Z359 Fall Protection Code Package, Tia 222 G, Tia 1019, MI Tower Safety Standards, NC Communication Tower Standards, and Nate Tower Climber Fall Protection Training Standard.

To see a list of 2014-2015 NATE STAR Initiative Participants visit

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